Packages & Pricing

  • Portrait Session

    Ideal for business professionals or entrepreneurs if you need a high-end portrait for yopr rofile, website or CV.

    + 1h shooting
    + choose from a gallery of 40 images
    + 3 final retouched portraits
    + usage rights for website & socials

  • Content Package

    The best package-deal for those who need to feed the hungry social media algorithm like your LinkedIn and Instagram feeds:

    + 3h shooting
    + choose from a gallery of over 100 images
    + 25 final retouched portraits
    + incl. social media usage rights

  • Brand Shooting

    A customizable full day shooting package for your company, StartUp or brand if you are looking to level up your:

    + Employer Branding
    + Personal Branding (website, press pictures)
    + Team & Company Headshots
    + Corporate Branding

  • Actor Headshots

    An ideal package for actors if you need unique headshots for yoar agency website, casting platforms and your social media pages.

    + 3h shooting
    + choose from a gallery of 100 images
    + 10 final retouched portraits
    + usage rights for agency, casting platform & socials